The Dinky
The Princeton Dinky at rest before departing soon. The shot captures the entire Dinky from a sideroad POV.

We see the power lines that supply the Dinky. Early forms of communication were built along train routes including telegraph and telephone lines.


The CCTV camera on top of 1915 Hall may go unnoticed by the casual observer.

circular manhole cover
Circular manhole cover with a linear, almost-woven hatch design that also presents the text "THE S.J. CRESWELL IRON WORKS 23rd & CHERRY STS. PHILADELPHIA. PA." centered. The manhole cover connects gray brickwork and darker gray asphalt to its sides

mysterious black boxes
One tall black box, one short black box in Goheen Walk

symmetric fork
A symmetric fork on Streicker Bridge to two generally similar but not identical paths.

manhole cover
A manhole cover for the Bell System. According to Wiki these are telephone service systems and were founded in the 1870s. Now they are used by AT&T

"Telephone of the Wind"
A public art piece in the garden of the MacLean House, which is a rotary telephone displayed in a wooden case. Above it is a plaque which states this piece was created from grief and is meant to allow people to connect with their lost loved ones.

Danny Devito Shrine
A shrine to Danny Devito in the underground depths of Little, behind the laundry room. A popular gathering place. There are lots of pipes and heaters and cement walls.

public table
A concrete sculpture that's an upside-down cone, so its surface is a perfect circle that people can sit on or be around.